Privacy policy

Dear user of our website, specific changes in the Law have taken place based on the new European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) require us to update the Terms relating to Personal Data and our Privacy Statement applicable.

We want you to be informed in a clear, unambiguous and accurate way about how we collect, use, transmit or protect Personal Data and our Compliance with the above European Regulation, to ensure that these are and remain clear and comprehensible, because they will cover any new products and services you may receive from us in the future.

You should also be aware that the updated Terms and the Statement, as well as the new provisions, apply without further notice to you from May 25, 2018 and will be an integral part of each contract between us. Therefore, you should be aware that if you choose to continue using our products and services you accept the Terms and Conditions above. You will also continue to receive emails, SMS, mail or telephony with informative content from our company for offers, new services or products etc, but you can choose if you do not want to receive such communication after 5/25/2018, sending us your request by Thursday 24-5-2018.

For more information, we encourage you to read the full text of the Declaration of Protection and contact us at our information below for any clarification or question.

Also, if you do not agree with all of the above, you can choose to stop using our services and products, receiving informative content and deleting your details by sending us a relevant request by May 24, 2018 to our contact details below. The complete deletion of your data, however, may lead to our inability to provide products and services.

Information - Statement on the Protection of Personal Data in accordance with the General Data Regulation of the EU. 679/2016 of the company under the name The Art as Responsible for the Processing and / or Executing the Processing.

Please take a few minutes to study and understand the following Statement of Protection of Your Personal Data.

Data categories

Collection and processing of customer data for issuing an offer, entering the data for an order, using the data for future professional communication with him and for sending informative content for offers or new products (email newsletter).

Collection and processing of contact information through our website, which provides a field for entering an email address to send a newsletter with positive energy of the visitor.

Collection and processing of communication data and automatic recording of conversations from the call center of our company, for reasons of quality assurance and safety due to the object of our activities.

Scope and Consent

You must read and understand these terms before trading with us, so we ask that you provide us with your express consent before each transaction, in order to collect, store and use or transmit the information you provide to us which may include your personal data, just to be able to properly execute the transaction between us based on these contractual terms.

In any case you have the right to refuse to provide your personal data in a transaction between us, as you can also provide us with the data that is absolutely necessary to purchase a product or service and to be able to use the product or service . The personal data that we may generally collect from you during our transactions between us may include the following:

Shelf life

We retain the data we collect for as long as necessary in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and to comply with our other legal obligations such as tax obligations regarding the security of our systems and the guarantees of our products and so on. If this is sensitive data, we keep it in any case for the shortest possible period. In general, we will retain your data for as long as you maintain a contractual relationship with us in both print and electronic form and, in the event that for any reason it is terminated, we will retain it for as long as required until the limitation period has elapsed. any claims. We will also keep them indefinitely in cases where we are required by law, such as when they are related to an ongoing prosecutorial investigation or court proceedings. If you have given us your consent for a longer retention period, we will retain them according to your instructions.

Control and Access

As for controlling and accessing your personal data, you can update, correct, verify and delete it whenever you wish. You can also choose which data we will be able to collect from you and how we will use it. When your data is held by us, you have full and immediate access to it and we will respond to your requests for access or deletion no later than 30 days after the request is made. Your requests can be submitted via e-mail, sms, mail, contact form on our website, etc. For your convenience, please update your data when it changes or is inaccurate. You can also choose if you want to receive information material from our company via email, SMS, mail or telephony. If you receive such a message from us without requesting it, you can delete your address from the list of recipients either by following the instructions in the specific message, if any, or by sending your wish with your request via e-mail, sms, postal letter , contact form on our website, etc. If the option to remove from the list does not exist, it is usually a different message or a different method of unsubscribing to a newsletter, so you should follow the appropriate way to delete your email address . In any case, contact our company to serve you.

Your rights

You may exercise, as the case may be, the following rights: the right of access (to find out what data we process for you, why and their recipients), correction (to correct any deficiencies or inaccuracies in your data), deletion (right to forgetfulness) (delete them from our files, but if their processing is no longer necessary), limitation of processing (in case of questioning the accuracy of the data, etc.), portability (to receive your data in a structured and commonly used format). These rights are exercised free of charge for you, by sending a relevant letter, sms or e-mail to our contact details below. If you exercise any of these rights, we will take every possible measure to satisfy your request within thirty (30) days of receipt, after informing you either of its satisfaction or of the objective reasons that prevent its satisfaction. In addition, you may at any time object to the processing of your data for commercial or advertising purposes, revoking your consent at any time. If you generally withdraw your consent, however, this may result in your products and services not being able to be provided to you, as no relevant contract operates without buyer data processing. For further clarifications regarding your rights and for exercising them, please contact us at our details below.

Legal Basis

The processing of your data always requires a legal basis. In most cases of providing our products or services to you, the legal basis is the fulfillment of our contractual obligations to you, for example, in order to deliver products and provide you with services you must first provide us with the shipping address and contact telephone number. In other cases, the legal basis is your consent to the processing of your data, as analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Where necessary, the legal basis will be our compliance with legal obligations, as well as our need to serve your vital interests or the legitimate interests of our company with respect for fundamental human freedoms and rights. In very special cases, the legal basis will be the need to process for reasons of public interest. Your consent can be revoked at any time and only by notifying us as mentioned above. We are committed in any case to work with you for the peaceful resolution of any relevant issue. However, if you believe that we will not be able to satisfy you, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Greek Personal Data Protection Authority, using the electronic form from its website.


The security of your data is an important information for you and a commitment for us. To achieve this, we implement all modern and appropriate for the purposes of processing technical measures, such as the encryption of your data, but also those organizational measures that respond to our work and we check them at regular intervals. We take care of the physical and technical security of our information systems and our facilities, as well as the control of accessibility of your data (either in our electronic or physical file) with modern technical means and by a limited number of persons who are specially authorized, governed from access restrictions and / or provide guarantees of confidentiality and confidentiality. Our partners must declare their compliance with our Regulations and our current Policy, so that your data is safe from leakage, theft, destruction, public disclosure, abuse, misuse and unauthorized use and unauthorized access. Your own contribution to the security of your data is also necessary, as you must ensure that it is correct, and not shared with third parties by yourself.

Changes to the Declaration

This Statement is an integral part of our Terms of Service and may be subject to change and updates, of which we will notify you either by posting it in a prominent place on our website or by sending you a direct notice. In any case, the change of the Declaration will result from the "validity" date set at its end.